Katelyn M. Thompson’s Blog

Archive for the ‘email’ tag

Google Wave, demystified

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What’s all the fuss about Google Wave? This video explains it. It seems like it is smashing GMail with Google Docs and MS Word’s “track changes”.

UPDATE: 11/22/2009

I have received my Google Wave invite (thanks to Kyle Bedell). But I’m not really sure what to do with it. I don’t really send e-mails to groups at this point in my life. I basically use gmail for personal communication and to get updates on geocaching and other listservs. It is blocked at work, so I couldn’t use it for that purpose even if I wanted to. I’ll have to recruit a friend to try it out with me.

via SwissMiss

Written by kmtom

November 17th, 2009 at 6:36 pm