Archive for the ‘CAPTCHA’ tag
Photojojo’s “CAPTCHA”
I recently purchased the t-shirt that I mentioned in “Lens Bracelets” from Photojojo. Whether it was due to user error or a usability issue (not important in this story) I accidentally switched up my billing address and shipping address. When I got my confirmation e-mail I noticed this and proceeded to contact them to change it.
When I clicked on the “Contact Us” link in the e-mail I arrived at a simple form to submit a question to them. However, what wasn’t simple was their way of verifying that I was in fact human. Instead of using a CAPTCHA – as most websites do – they were able to incorporate their specialty (photography) and also not have to annoy their customers by being unable to read the letters. My only question is if it’s just as effective at stopping spam.
Previously I posted about Illustrating CAPTCHAs. GUS23 has come up with another way to “feature” CAPTCHAs: Dream CAPTCHA. I wonder what types of dreams you will have with thing hanging above your bed?
via SwissMiss
Illustrating CAPTCHAs
CAPTCHAs are those annoying things that you have to read and then type in order to prove you are in fact human. They are insanely hard, and Audio CAPTCHAs are even more impossible. Perhaps by illustrating them, it will be easier for people to fill in the correct words.
Andrew Wirtanen posted his interpretation of “airlifts john”.
Buzzfeed and Something Awful provide forums for users to post their creations.
Here are some of my favorites:
via Andrew Wirtanen