Katelyn M. Thompson’s Blog

Archive for the ‘Facebook’ tag

How Did You Find Out About Osama bin Laden’s Death?

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Well, I was watching Celebrity Apprentice (I know, I know, it’s bad. But I like watching them complete the tasks and then fight it out afterwards. Get over it!) on delay by about 15 minutes when I saw the message pop-up that the President would soon be addressing the country. I wasn’t really sure what it was. Were we attacked? Did we attack someone? Was the economy cured? So, instead of stopping the DVR and jumping to live TV I grabbed my phone to check Twitter. Scrolling through the previous 60 minutes of Tweets I finally arrived at the tweets saying that Osama bin Laden had been killed.

I then stopped the DVR and turned to live TV to the news coverage discussing what they had been told, the events that transpired years ago leading up to this, as well as speculation about what had happened. I then continued to check Twitter and update my status while I waited the hour before President Obama came on and made the speech. I’m glad I waited. Even though I knew what he was going to be talking about, it made it all real and he was able to put things into perspective.

But enough about that, why I’m writing the post. I was reading a CNN article titled Bin Laden’s death sets Twitter record and when I got to the end, I read a lot of stories that were similar to mine.

“While watching a show on the Tivo, my son was checking twitter on his phone and told us to put on live TV.”

“Saw a post on FB, verified it on NYT, and then yelled for my fiance to turn on the news.”

“I saw comments on Facebook, and then read about it on my NPR News App on my phone, and then turned on the TV.”

There has been a lot of news coverage about how people are getting more and more of their news from the Internet and Twitter, but it’s interesting that when a breaking news story hit, people turned to the TVs. Part of this might be explained by the fact that it was a Sunday evening and most Americans were probably at home where many of them have a television. I know when I’m at work (or as on 9/11 at school) I didn’t have access to a television where I could find the news.

What are your thoughts? Where did you first hear/see that Osama had been killed? What did you do next?

Written by kmtom

May 2nd, 2011 at 6:18 pm

The New Facebook Profile

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I am pretty defiant when it comes to changes to Facebook. I had a hard time accepting the changes to something that I use multiple times a day, multiple times an hour when I don’t see the justification for the change. Regardless, they recently made a significant change to the Profile Pages. There has been a recent “movement” towards using the new Facebook profile layout to one’s advantage. Check them out: on reface.me

via Mashable

Written by kmtom

February 9th, 2011 at 5:08 pm

Facebook Fact Sheet

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As a good addition to the list of 10 social media inforgraphics, this recent “fast sheet” displays some interesting information. Here are some highlights as provided by BusinessInsider:

[Click to view the full image]

via @SaraBrody via @certaintragedy

Written by kmtom

March 30th, 2010 at 2:03 pm