Katelyn M. Thompson’s Blog

Archive for the ‘Usability’ Category

iPhone Keyboard

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For those of you who do not like the iPhone because it doesn’t have a “real” keyboard, I present to you the iTwinge from Mobile Mechatronics. For just $29.99 (+5.00 shipping & handling) this can be yours! (It isn’t available until November, but you can pre-order today!)

I, however, will continue to be jealous of people with iPhones and await the day that I will get my hands on one, with no iTwinge between us.

via Appletell

Written by kmtom

September 17th, 2009 at 9:39 pm

Posted in Design,Usability

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Credit Card Both Ways?

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credit card

Wait! Does this mean I can put my credit card in either way?????  It would still be easier to just wave my phone over some pad.

Written by kmtom

August 29th, 2009 at 1:27 pm

Posted in Design,Usability

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Password Masking – Uncessary?

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Jakob Nielson says so!

“Usability suffers when users type in passwords and the only feedback they get is a row of bullets. Typically, masking passwords doesn’t even increase security, but it does cost you business due to login failures.”

passwordThere are times when there are people looking over your shoulder when you enter your password. Perhaps you’re borrowing a friend’s computer to check your e-mail. Or even a stranger’s computer [yes, I have been asked by a stranger to use my computer to check their e-mail. I obliged.].

I do however see Jakob’s point that it is really annoying! The iPhone does a nice job of allowing you to see the letter until you type the next one it. It’s invaluable, and I assume if I actually used an iPhone keyboard on a regular basis it wouldn’t matter quite so much, but then again I couldn’t imagine not having it.

I’m torn, but I probably wouldn’t go as far to say that they are uncessary, especially with as secure information as banking or investment.

Written by kmtom

July 21st, 2009 at 12:51 pm

Posted in Usability

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Appropriate Contrast?

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CheckMyColours.com is a site which evaluates the contrast of the colors on a particular site. It’s another tool to be added when designing a site. Don’t go just on the number of failures. Look at where you’re failing; that font may not end up on your site, depending on how you code.

via SwissMiss

Written by kmtom

June 19th, 2009 at 6:20 pm